Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Sunday

I worked with children again today, a larger group this time and it was hectic! I enjoyed the challenge but I have learnt that being older does not qualify you to work with children. No, it takes a lot more than that! You have to first of all want to have an impact in their lives. That will be the driving force behind you when the children get difficult, because they will. You also have to be firm yet patient, and you have to understand how children think.

I am working with children from various backgrounds. Some of them grew up in Christian homes and some of them call the orphanage they come from their home. I have to bring them all to one level of having a personal relationship with God. Ok well, that's not what I have been asked to do but that's what I desire to achieve. I am actually assigned sort of as their drama teacher. I am supposed to identify the talented ones and help bring out their gift and prepare them to perform before the church.

I love art and it's an exciting opportunity for me because I get to work with a few other people who are passionate about art as well as saving souls! Together we will pray for these precious children and allow God to use us to reach them and introduce Jesus to them! Pray with me friends and let's all contribute our bit towards the ultimate assignment.

Love Tumisang