Friday, August 31, 2012

Critical Advise

Just a word of advise; think carefully about the advise you choose to take. When you are under pressure, it sometimes appears like everyone has a good point, and the first person to speak into your situation particularly has a high chance of being the person who will influence your decision. This not only means that you should think before applying that advise, but it means that you should be selective about the people you allow to speak into your life.

Often we have many people we call friends, and we don't necessarily choose them because they are wise, or highly spiritual; we choose them because we have common interests and enjoy one another's company. While these may be important in friendship, it is also important to make sure that when it comes to making decisions, you are not quick to run to the people that make you feel good about yourself, but you talk to a mature and spiritual friend or parent or brother etc. You need to talk to someone who will not tell you the logical thing to do, but who can discern and tell you what God wants you to hear. They might even not have a solution for you but give you more confidence in your ability to hear God, so that you may hear for yourself what God's instruction for you is at that particular junction.

Hey, I know that there are times when you feel like you need confirmation from a person, a friend or loved parent; but remember that God has the best answer for you and your ability to hear Him will save you much trouble.

Lots of love,

The woman who has just made a decision.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

That Woman

It feels like I have not blogged in ages! I haven't had a chance, with assignments due very soon, they are all I think about right now. I look around me and people's gestures, the scents around me, light, all these somehow translate to either Milton, Paradise Lost, Master Harold and the Boys - Athol Fugard, or Es'kia Mphahlele's Down Second Avenue. These are my best friends at the moment, but unfortunately I can't even enjoy them because I can't afford the luxury of taking my time to drink every word on the pages and to bond with the imagery presented to me. No, I have to write something smart and submit it very soon.
But something has been nagging my thoughts lately. Here in Johannesburg it is not easy to trust anyone, even family at times! It may sound crazy but tricksers are all around, a problem common with all big cities. So I am just wondering how other people react to a stranger asking them for money and saying they are desperate and narrating some sad story. How do you react to that? I have had many such encounters in the streets and I would not even blink, moved right along as if I didn't see or hear anyone speak. But this one time, recently, I met a woman with the most adorable two children. She told me her stranded story and asked for money. My heart broke, but I sincerely did not have money on me, although I could have made a plan. With all my heart I wanted to help her, she asked for R100 for petrol or something like that and gave me her cellphone number and address, but I didn't have the money. I later smsed her, and prayed for her.
I have heard that the Jozi tricksters are getting smarter by the day, could it be that I was falling for some trick and fortunate not to have money with me, or was that encounter meant to lead me to praying for that woman and sowing a seed of salvation in her life? We'll I don't know yet.

Friday, August 17, 2012

There must come a day when your spirit is awakened and you come to yourself.

Monday, August 13, 2012

I Forgive You

We are currently having a series at church called The Power of Love. I knew it would be a powerful one but I was not prepared for the tests God would bring my way through the teachings. I am having to confront pride and to say "I am sorry" to people I have hurt even though I know that they too have hurt me. I am having to forgive those that hurt me and make peace with myself and those around me. Honestly, in my heart I have forgiven everyone who has wronged me and have let go of the hurt they caused me, but I have not yet apologised to those I have hurt. It is not an easy thing to do, even though I know that it can only do good for me, I find myself still being reluctant and still placing pride before obedience.

It is God that is instructing me to ask for forgiveness, and I have read through that passage many times without thinking it could be directed to me. I have, instead, shut out whoever I think I can do without in my life even though it sometimes hurts just thinking about them. That hurt is a reminder that there are unsettled matters that must be settled and as a believer it is wrong of me to harden my heart from God's correction. Not only is it wrong but it is dangerous because if I continue like that I could end up weakening my ability to hear God.

Because of my reverence to God, I will obey His instruction and apologise to those I have wronged, knowing that God only wants the best for me and pride has thus far not helped me in any way. I urge you too to go back to your brother and forgive them or ask for their forgiveness. This will give you confidence to go before your Father and make your request knowing that as He has forgiven you, so also have you forgiven others. God is love and if God is in you, you are love-full. Love forgives all things and keeps no record of wrong.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Everyday Give Thanks

Everyday give thanks to God for all he has done. You might be experiencing some disappointments, but remember that in comparison to God's great love for you, they are nothing and not worth your focus. In comparison to God's great and wondrous plans concerning you, no situation is worth you your worries. God is doing a great thing in your life, do not be deceived by anything that appears contrary to what you know God has already done in the spirit realm, just take a hold of it by confessing God's word and the spiritual will be made manifest in the natural.

Friday, August 3, 2012


The sun will rise and set
The bee will return to it's hive
The lion will cease to roar
And God remains unchanged

All that move will someday not
All that breathes will even rot
And everything will change
Yet God remains the same.