Friday, February 10, 2012

Go To Church Girl

I know you are feeling terrible and you don't want people to see you because you feel ashamed. Think about this, how many people out there can dare to judge you when they know their own issues? They say Christians are very judgemental, but I have been around some really mature ones, with an an odd bunch of the immature ones. Even those don't judge because they think they are better, they are actually only relieved to realise that they are not the only ones with a thorn in the flesh. So please, go to church and fellowship with the people that love you and miss you. Girl, own your righteousness, it's yours whether you sinned last weekend or not. As long as you are saved, let your confidence be in the unfailing God, not your own ability to withstand sin. That way when you sin you will not feel less of a believer, but you will repent before your loving Father and move on up.

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