Friday, September 21, 2012

Gym? I Don't Wanna Hear It.

Do we understand the reason why we need to keep healthy? To eat right and exercise? The way we react to this issue does not convince me that we as people really understand the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. We know very well the importance of looking good and that's why we make sure we do the "three step cleansing" and wear those super high platform shoes. We are informed and therefore we act on the information we know about fashion.

That is expected of a literate being like you and I; to use our knowledge base to influence our decisions. Why then is it that when it comes to the most important issues like our health, we refuse to act like intelligent, learned people? We read article after article about the latest research on cancer, on health and so on and we say to everyone, "I'm going on a protein diet" or, "I need to start going to gym" - we say all these pretty things but never do we lift a finger to actually do them. It seems to me that we don't take our health seriously enough, perhaps because we do not see the results of our poor habits...yet.

It's time that we start doing whatever we can to invest in our health; drinking more water wont take a cent out of you. Eating less portions if we are trying to lose weight will even save us some. And adding fruits and veges and taking it easy on the oil isn't such a difficult thing now is it? Gym. Well, no need to sign up at virgin active just yet, develop consistency first in your lounge. Do the sit ups, push ups, kickboxing etc. in your own lounge for 15 minutes everyday and tell me if you don't notice a difference! I am doing exactly that and am sooo excited that investing only 15minutes each day to exercise is giving me such returns! I do plan on taking it up a notch after a month.

The key to developing any good habit is in consistency, so rather than doing a lot once every week, do a little each day and see just how much your body will thank you!

I love you all and share these things with you so that we can all improve our health together, there's no fun in being the only hot mama at 70 now is there? ;)

I must add that as a woman, even your reproductive system will dance for joy at your new commitment to your health! I will not get into details about that because I want you to try it for yourself and tell me what happens ;).


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


There is so much to say, but it's not every time that your heart is full that you should pour it out, sometimes you have to wait. Today I have to wait because if I were to talk about what's in my heart, it would be like feeding you raw guava. It's good for no one. Let's allow the fruit to ripen a little but not to ferment. Old news is sour to the tongue, that's why we can't live on old revelation. There is something fresh available each day, each season, each year, because nothing in this world stays the same but God alone. Love TS

Monday, September 17, 2012

Times And Seasons

Understanding the times and seasons gives you command over your generation. What does that mean?

When you understand the phase or time you are in, you do not expect that which is not found in that season but instead you prepare for what that season has to offer. This sounds obvious but when we look at people's reactions to circumstances, we realise that they actually have no undersanding of the times and seasons. A leader does not panic with the crowd, rather, he takes authority and keeps the crowd calm, knowing that he has a solution. When you understand the season you are in, and it happens to be mid summer, you do not get frustrated over the fact that the orange tree is not bearing fruit. You know that it is not the season for oranges and rather than frowning over a lack of oranges, you rejoice because there is an abundance of mangoes.

Such a simple truth yet so difficult for mankind to grasp. We are too competitive and want to have the best of everything all the time. We do not even pause to think that perhaps today is not the time but tomorrow will hold something for me. Such a dreadful race we are in, burning out because of our neighbour who is also burning out because of us. Well, the bible talks of mature sons who do things differently. These are the sons of Issachar, the bible says that they understood the times and seasons and therefore their generation was at their command. The did not do react the same way the crowd did. They maximised on their harvest season and made the most of seedtime. They know when it was a time of transition and prepared themselves for change. They were never caught off guard, instead they prepared in advanced and rested while others were in a panic because of ignorance.

Beloved, make time to think. Think thoroughly and trust in God's word, that is how you learn to understand the times and seasons. God's word is like a wisdom manual and has all the understanding you could ever desire. When you have taken a hold of this understanding, because you will, then make the most of it in your life and help others to discover it too. That is where command comes in. When you are in command it means that your word holds value, use your words to change the lives of others so that mankind will benefit because of you. And that is the leader's delight.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

It Happens

It happens that sometimes you open yourself up to someone and they poke a little needle in there. It happens that you share your secret and they spill it out by accident. It happens too that you love and get back only coldness. It does happen, but never must it change you. Your love must never be altered by their emotions, by their weakness or their mistake. Stay loving, keep believing and be ever joyful, because that is what distinguishes you as a child of God. LOVE.